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Pauper's Poets Free Expressive Writing and Affirmation Art Activities for LGBTQ+ Youth and Allies. 

These activities can be used in GSA meetings, LGBTQ+ youth shelters, youth organizations, or at home!

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Expressive writing and positive affirmations combined with art are extremely beneficial to mental health.


According to Creative Expressions Consulting, Art Therapy provides an effective means to address the following challenges: anxiety, depression, social and family difficulties, and low self-esteem.

In addition, creative and expressive writing allows you to find wisdom, intuition, and your conscience which is your inner voice. According to Creative Expressions Consulting, writing also allows you to unlock your creative voice and energy. This is a way for you to communicate with yourself and then learn to communicate with others.

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"As a middle grade writer, my goal is to empower girls and LGBTQ+ youth to embrace their uniqueness, stand tall against bullies and persevere through the power of creative expression."
--- Gina Vallance

Pauper's Poet's Expressive Writing and Affirmation Art Free Downloads

Eternal Light Worker Meditation Music

Play Pauper's Poets Eternal Light Worker meditation channel for your GSA, youth organization, or for your tweens and teens at home!

Listening to meditation music while working on mandalas is stress relieving and relaxing.

Remind youth to repeat the affirmations to themselves daily. 

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Download Your Free Copy of the "I Am Strong Expressive Writing and Mandala Art Activity here!

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Keep your expressive writing and affirmation art projects in Pauper's Poet's Binder!

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Shop Fairy Scribe Designs for Pauper's Poets Merchandise!

Thank you for supporting Pauper's Poets mission to empower LGBTQ+ Youth!

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